How many times will I make you cum? How many times will your cock squirt while I ignore you? Once? Twince? No. It will be more than that. And I could could care less about each orgasm.
My toes arouse you. You beg to lick my soles. The sight of the bottoms of my feet get you excited. My feet dominate your mind and your dick. Now worship them. Are you a cuckold? In chastity? Or the type of man that gets his cum sucked out of his dick? I bet your a beta that wants to worship the bottoms of my feet while I get other men off. Watch him cum and show me how thankful you are that I have locked your cock in a tube. Then you can kiss the air at the soles of my feet while another man ejaculates. Feel the soles of my bare feet trample your precious balls. My toes collapse your testicles. My beautiful feet crush your manhood. This is true foot slave domination. What is it like being a 24/7 footslave? Worshipping a gorgeous woman's feet. Do you cum at the feet of your key holder? This is what being a footslave is really like. The soles of my feet can be so erotic. So beautiful. The bottoms of my feet are are stimulating it will erect your cock. But what if I'm standing on your balls? Your nuts flattening under my toes, how erotic is that? Are my feet beautiful or terrifying? Time for your balls to learn why my feet will be obeyed. Do my feet get you hard? Make you want to cum? Does the sight of my soles stimulate you? The thought of my toes brushing across your cock have you dripping? Will you lick cum off my feet? BAREFOOT, CUM ON FEET. Are you proud of your cum? Do your balls shoot a load to make you proud? Or are you ashamed? Is your dick strong enough to impress me? Lets take a look at your cum. Measure your load. See if you cum hard enough to satisfy me. CUM HUMILIATION How hot are my feet? Have you ever seen anything more erotic? My soles are seductive. My toes painted perfectly just to torment you. Do you feel your dick grow every time you see my feet? You're in for a treat. They are going right in your mouth. And I don't care if there is cum on them! My feet are so fucking hot! A man sees my feet and his dick gets hard. When i am barefoot, I know every dick is hard. And when they get to lick them, their dicks are squirting. Having feet like mine can be funny. Seeing what they do to the men around me. Watching men cum in their pants when I take off my shoes. It always makes me laugh. What is even funnier? Making them lick their cum off the floor at my feet. Now that's funny! Do you have a fetish for my feet? Want to see how they dominate men? My feet are beautiful. My nails perfectly painted. The soles of my feet so seductive. How could any man resist? This is why you have a foot fetish! My feet are perfect. What tastes better? My ass? Or my feet? We are going to find out After you cum on them! Fuck my pussy till I cum. Eat the load you left on my ass. Lick the cum off my soles after I make you wipe your dick on my feet. Then tell me, what tastes better. CUM EATING, CUM ON FEET, CUM ON ASS. Like seeing my feet covered in cum? Does it make you want to lick them? I think that is a great idea. Taste my soles as you clean your sperm off of my feet. That is how you prove you have a foot fetish. CUM EATING, CUM ON FEET, FOOT DOMINATION, CUM HUMILIATION. See that cum on my feet? See that dick in chastity? Do you know why that dick is locked? Chastity is for foot slaves. Cocks in a cage, locked, and they cum in a tube. My feet humiliate them to orgasm. They can't resist my feet but are offer no reward for orgasm. I wont even let their cocks erect. My feet are what they desire and what I use to manipulate. CUM ON FEET, CUM IN CHASTITY, FOOTJOB, PANTYHOSE FEET, FEMDOM.
Are you a foot fetish ? Like watching women's feet when their not looking? My feet are so fucking hot I catch guys checking them out all time, Will you be able to resist? Watch me flaunt my feet in front of you. I know it turns you on. It turns me on to tease you with them.
You're not going to lick my ass where no one can see it. You're going to lick it in front of EVERYONE! You're my ass slave. You're going to lick my ass no matter where I go. Where I am. When I'm waiting for my coffee, you're going to pay them then get on your knees and lick. When were out with your friends, you'll be on your hands and knees right in front of them. Licking my ass while we laugh. When I go out dancing, your going to fetch me drinks and lick my ass. I'll let you hold my panties when I dance and lick my ass where everyone can see it. I want all your friends to watch. And when I show up at your work, guess what you'll do? I don't care if it humiliates you. Now it's time to start practicing.